Cross my heart and hope to.. live through Cross Fit!, I'm determined this year to strengthen my bones.
Even if that means trying out... Cross Fit. I almost didn't go this class because, well, pure terror and the thought:
Weights, squats and lunges - oh my!
- and NO WAY!
- and NO WAY!
Another reason? Cross Fit isn't for forty & fifty year olds! - I thought.
Besides - I was on vacation in California. Why on earth would I go to a Cross Fit class on vacation?
It was on my mind - nagging me because a wildly enthusiastic seed was planted a while back by Cross Fit Fan of the Year, Louise Rafkin. So, I was in the hood visiting Berkeley, CA - and decided to do a drive by - slowly. I chuckled when Robin, the manager of Cross Fit- Oakland, said that she spent a year doing drive-by's before having the courage to take her first Cross Fit class. She said the reputation is all wrong - it's not just for the already buffed.
Here's a photo of Robin... but, note as you gaze: She - DIDN'T LOOK LIKE THIS WHEN SHE STARTED!
The un-buffed are welcome - but seems one has to really want it. IT meaning strength. Want it bad. If you want it bad enough, you'll fit in.
That's good news because what I don't want - is a 49 year old buff body - I could care less about buff. I want strength. In order to get strength, I have to not be bored with the process toward strength.
Strength training and working with a trainer bores me. I have finally learned to like simply putting on some sneakers and going for a run. I like hopping on a bike or an elliptical or walking, and walking and walking. All easy in comparison. Easy doesn't equal strength, though. Strength training intimidates me.
This class? Challenging - but (insert BIG BUT here) not boring. It was varied, intense and there were short spurts of exertion and little rest periods. Bursts of sprinting, rowing, weightlifting, jump roping, pull up bars, squats, medicine balls and some running. Burst of amazing music and lots of what I like VARIETY. Yikes - but it's just an hour!
Cross fit has been around for 12 years. 12 years! It has it's fanatical reputation - but it is now becoming approachable by average women like myself -- women who know need to modify!
And - it's all about modifying.
Founded by this guy Greg Glassman -2000 in Santa Cruz. He became superfit and committed - and he'd post his workouts on the boards at the gym and began to get copy cats and fans and people wanting what he had. Now, Cross Fit is huge with over 3000 "boxes" around the world. It even has it's own vocabulary! WOD - "workout of the day" and from what I gather each CF instructor adds their own flare and names of different routines.
I remember Louise telling me of her Cross Fit transformation - that she does CF about three times a week and that every part of her body is getting stronger. She looks amazing at 54. Amazing.
Here is Louise with Karen (62).
That's what it's about. Doing what we can do, but pushing at those times we can push. Knowing the difference.
Okay, so one of the biggest lessons I learned from this particular experience - there was no competition, it was just support of one another. The competition is with oneself. That I can handle. As long as I don't feel judged in a class, and I'm not in the "compare despair" mindset - I'm happy-ish.
For me, I have to like it. There has to be support and community.
Oh, so I lunged and squatted and modified - and, yes, I ached the next day - but I'd drive by again in a minute. Wait, I live in New York. Darn.
I'll pound the pavement here though- determined to find something similar to the Oakland vibe---- and I better plan on quite a few walk by's. It's New York, after all.
For any CA gals reading this: It's Crossfit Oakland -
Definitely read: Louise Rafkin's recent NYTimes piece about it: