So many musical memories of this little place on Portrero Hill. Years back in the days of open mics and musical community --- and it felt good to see the old place. When I'm not falling fast asleep I shall share more of the Farley memories.
Insert here - the long and exciting tale of getting lost in route... if I ever get to writing how much I detest driving in SF - it will be a driver-log monolog long venting tale - but when I finally made it - my bud Meredith had to hear my whines.. when I finally made it.
okay - bottom line: when mapquesting - be sure to put in STREET vs AVENUE - because in SF that can REALLY screw you. Oh, and don't make any left turns because you are never allowed to! Oh, and be ready to have complete heart failure on the hills.
Bottom line? Berkeley.
Enough said.
SF has appeal... but not, NOT, if lost.
Worth it all... just to see Princess May.