Pre-flight visit with our swappers, Rose & Greg. Enough time to stroll around a bit to the farmer’s market and sit by the river. The four of us sat on the bench in the wind and brilliant sun looking over Roosevelt Island where John and I just ran last week. A perfect 5K loop. Such nice mellow company - (well, I think they were also falling asleep from remnants of the red eye flight they took).
Rose sat on the couch next to my girl coloring in a Zen Square in my little book - and I had this sense of such gratitude for her friendship - for the continuity of swaps with her and Greg and for my man sitting nearby.
I love phrases “these are the good old days” - and I think of that often. I think of the times when there is an event or some like of stress that just takes over the bandwidth in my mind and I’m sitting here realizing now that there are no such events right now - and to just appreciate that.
There doesn’t have to be a shoe on the verge of falling from the sky to crash into my happiness - if I don’t let it. I can still look up - and know that there are no shoes - and look down and see where my feet are right now.
Safely planted.