Hi Peggy, I want you to adopt me

One of the many reasons I love Cathleen - it's her laugh, and it's her lightness and it's her love of my Mom - and it's her tolerance of me.

Yeah, that.

She has to put up with me bringing my Mom into every visit we have.

It's a thing I have. Cathleen and I drove across the country together and had many pit stops that, well, might have been a bit stressful - but certainly adventurous. One of the stops was visiting my folks in Cocoa and I think Cathleen and my Mom bonded then in some light way.

So, as we sat in Pete's coffee doing our usual catchup - my Mom tagged along as well.

Love hanging with my bud - who cracks me up.

She calls Piedmont Avenue - THE Avenue - and it is. I have to say - one of my favorites in my old stomping grounds of Bay Avenue avenues. A pirate came to visit as I sat on the sunny side of the street later in the day.

It's never boring to me - the small strip of land. I know many people who live right off the strip now and it comforts me know they are just a block or so up a hill somewhere.

Cathleen though? Make a left on Yosemite and she's just a few doors down. Ring her bell, and she'll make you a spot of tea in her little nook of a house nestled under a blossoming tree.

The same block as Leslie's couch --- and more on that later. I love that couch.