Ever since Costa Rica i made a decision to not rush to the airport ever again. I panted my way to Costa Rica until I sat in the airline seat that I almost didn’t get my butt into. That trip I read a book called Timeshifting and it reminded me of how used to drama I am. The rush has a draw of some sort.
Luckily John was escorting me to the F train and he needed to catch the 3:50 train to Beacon so he was his somewhat annoying prompt self that, in retrospect, as I was exhaling and breathing normal breaths on the airtrain and calmly, sanely walking toward the gate and taking time to cherish the brilliant way the sun hits the ground, I felt so fine.
Now, I don’t want to go to the other extreme - because I’ve been sitting by this gate with far to much tim eon my fingertips, as you can tell.
Oh, and p.s. - Muji-to-go at JFK is an even cooler store when there is time to browse calmly. I got the best multi colored pen similar to the pens from the olden days. It’s perfect for the Zen Square craze. You know, that craze...

Ah - movement at the gate.. bye!