Lake Merritt Run
Here's the thing - as Dorothy Parker says about writing. "I hate writing, but I like having written" - it's the same thing with blogging - like right now, I'm far too tired to blog - but when I look back at this thing, it will make me smile with remembrance. Oh, so I also bring up this idea of hating & loving - because right before I run - there is a sort of dread, but when it's done no matter what I set out to do, when the run is done...
feels good. ---- So - I can say "I hate running but I like having run."
So I parked the car on Beacon Street (only I would get such a thrill for such a thing) - because at the very same time - house swappers Rose & Greg were being toured around by my man in our little Beacon small town USA - and here I am over by Lake Merritt, parking on Beacon Street). You see, I told you only I would get such a kick out of that. Sigh.
Okay, so this run was way cool. I so like Lake Merritt with it's diverse people that have meat on their bones (unlike Un-Central Park) - and dog walkers and room to move... it's a manageable loop with very few options other than - around - 3 miles - done. Just really nice.